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d_rock1.JPG (82942 bytes) Photo Credit: Walter Tesche (courtesy of Dorothy Tesche) (used with permission)
Camp Desert Rock outside of Las Vegas, June-August 1957

X-Band radar unit

d_rock2.JPG (68979 bytes) Photo Credit:: Walter Tesche (courtesy of Dorothy Tesche) (used with permission)
Camp Desert Rock, June-August 1957
d_rock3.JPG (78356 bytes) Photo Credit:: Walter Tesche (courtesy of Dorothy Tesche) (used with permission)
Camp Desert Rock, June-August 1957
seoul_mb.JPG (16697 bytes) Photo Credit:: Walter Tesche (courtesy of Dorothy Tesche) (used with permission)
Seoul Korea, March 1954 (note the MB... but read the text on the signs - 1/4 ton and 3/4 ton vehicles...)
MPJeep.jpg (14750 bytes) Photo Credit: www.copcar.com by Terry Fiene, submitted by Greg Reynolds (used with permission)
Nice shot of an M38A1 configured as an MP vehicle.  THANKS Greg for allowing use of this picture!!!!!  (On a side note, it's well worth your time to visit the copcar.com site.  There are some really neat pictures there.  Look for your cities finest - it's probably there!)
Km38a1_w106_sm.jpg (11869 bytes) Photo Credit: US ARMY Technical Manual
Not the best scan but it clearly shows the 106 on the backend.  These were known as the M38A1C models.
jeep _105 gun jpg.jpg (117328 bytes) Photo Credit:  Jim Kelley, Bettendorf, IA  (jimkel@att.net). (used with permission)
This photo was taken by Jim when he was in Korea.  This picture was taken just about the time the truce was signed.
NekafTLVM38A1C.jpg (31052 bytes) Photo Credit: http://www.film.queensu.ca/cj3b/World/NEKAF.html (used with permission)
A Dutch Nekaf with 106mm recoilless rifle.
M38A1 Smoke.jpg (10945 bytes) Photo Credit: www.corbis.com
Soldier with parachute landing near smoke target during training 1979 Fort Benning Georgia.  A soldier in the US ARMY Airborne division lands with a parachute close to a smoke target in a drop zone during training.
a_corbis_msng.jpg (84983 bytes)
Photo Credit: www.corbis.com
National guard troops, University of Mississippi
Flip Schulke/Corbis
Image ID FP001727
a_corbis_ridgeway.jpg (48689 bytes) Photo Credit: www.corbis.com
General Matthew Ridgway in a Jeep 
© Bettmann/CORBIS 
Image ID: U1237261INP 
debbie_reynolds.jpg (135539 bytes) Photo Credit: Leon Bowie (used with permission)
Leon with Debbie Reynolds in front of L19 and L20 Liaison aircraft in Korea.  (Not exactly M38A1's but Korea era none the less...)
jeep106.jpg (35753 bytes) Photo Credit: US ARMY Archives
Another "C" 106 model


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